Friday, September 27, 2013

Two Long Weeks

Two long weeks and around $5K... It is basically finished. Just a few simple additions left to do. He just left and the smell of stain, paint and varnish lingers. Argh!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I am a dreamer of impossibilities

Today is Wednesday, I had hopes that I would be able to post the before and after pictures of the bathroom remodel, for wordless Wednesday. What was I thinking? Maybe next week - IF all goes well. So far they haven't, but I was able to go potty by 3:00 this afternoon.

He finally got the tub pipes to a non-leaking state, last night at 8:45. Famous lost words - "I will only have the water shut off a couple of hours." Try 10:30 a.m. to 8:45 p.m.... He will be coming back an hour or so every day to get all the mudding done on the sheet rock. He can't put the vanity in until the mudding is done and I think maybe the painting. I really don't know.

I will get to take a relaxing bath this evening, it has been ages! I have decided showers are a necessary item, but a bath is too. Next time shopping, I am going to but some tub items, for sure!

I sold the golf cart. It is no longer a lawn ornament. Pretty nice, not to see it parked out there in the front. The buyer said he would be back in a couple of weeks - I offered him some of my figs. They are mighty tasty, but I don't have the time or energy to mess with them this year. The next house will have a couple of fig trees too. ;-)

All for now, it is almost time to luxuriate in that tub!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Took a break...

I got about half way through emptying out the bathroom cabinets, when the plumber (Yes, an honest to God, plumber) came to evaluate the disaster we call the bathroom. He promised to show up on Monday morning, and he would be done in less than a week. By the time he left though, so did my energy to pack up ‘stuff’.

I took a quick shower, after calling for back up (my grandson), and I got ready to head shopping. I picked him up on my way. Armed with my o2 tank and full of all three of my breathing medicines, I resolved to have a good time.

First, we went for my glasses, as they were ready. Then we went to Target for dog food and treats for J n J. I hadn’t eaten lunch, so we headed for the mall. The food court has the best sesame chicken and Lo-Mein and cream cheese wonton too! We perused Romancing the Stone, we both love that place. When I suggested we walk over to Spencer’s, he said something about my not being like his other grandmother. I took it as a compliment. On the way home, we made a stop at the Dollar Store for a couple more totes.

When we arrived at his house, his family was getting ready to leave for Mexican food. Golly, I hope he had room! They asked me along – I, however, did not have space to eat anything else and I would be driving home in the dark. (Headlights are still a problem, since my cataract surgery, I cannot drive after dusk)

All in all, I had a great time. I needed that outing so bad, well, you know. I did enjoy my time with my grandson. I may not be able to move tomorrow, but it was worth it!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Slow Progress

You’ll have to excuse my absence, we are busy and I am trying to sort out my hobbies and get like items together. Today, when I was gathering my costume jewelry and parts for crafts, I remembered my rocks. I had to hunt them down. Somehow, things have a habit of being taken out for someone to scrounge around in and the space the item had been, closes up. A new space must be found. If you don’t have McGee’s  closet, you probably have no idea what I am talking about. Sorry, about that.

Half empty or half-full?

I did find the box of rocks in the hall closet under some boxes of space saver bags. I am always fascinated when I look at my polished rocks. I am a rock person, from diamonds to fossils and everything in between.  I noticed that the box is half-full, or is it half empty? It was full when it first arrived about seven years ago. I have since given away half of the pretty stones for various planters, bamboo vases, and jewelry projects.

Considering how many things I have given away, donated, or thrown away, one would think there wouldn’t be so much “stuff” for me to pack. It seems like my things have been procreating while I wasn’t looking. The house has not been put on the market yet. I am looking, it all takes time. DH has someone coming to work on the bathroom before we list. Well, back to filling that tote, and then on to the next.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

More fun...

Sorting, packing, trying to simplify for 'showing' the house. HAH! I stashed a lot of things in the closet because he said we weren't going to re-do the bathroom. Today, he is shopping for things to re-do the bathroom and I have had to haul out the stuff again! You see... the pipes for the shower/tub are inside the wall between the tub and the closet and he will have to access them. Water will have to be cleaned up immediately, as it spreads quickly on a level surface. The closet is rather small, but it held a load of stuff! I am not the happiest of campers...

May your weekend be blessed with peace and tranquility.

Thursday, September 5, 2013


The Old Pear Tree
Transition time, it seems too soon, but the leaves are turning and falling already. It was 59 this morning as I let Jill out to do her thing, the mists are rising from the low spots and the not so faint odor of a visit from Pepe` Le Phew fills the air.

Have given up looking for a house for now. The bank says he has to be actually working to acquire a loan. We will have to wait until he gets another work order. (When we won't have time to go house hunting because he's working, sigh...) The bargains are being snapped up faster than anything.

I am still working on the sorting and packing, so that we can get this one on the market before the snow flies. I am exhausted, we have way too much stuff. We have only been in the house about eight years, how could we have acquired so much extra baggage? Of course, I have attachments to all of my old hobbies. What if I decide to paint again or make some stained glass stepping stones for the new house?

I still want to write, but it's difficult to even think with so much going on. I thought I killed the dishwasher last night, my mind is so busy that I couldn't see that I had a lid in front of the latch! I am feeling like a chicken with her head cut off and running wildly in every direction. It isn't fun. Never thought that would ever move from here, I would die first. One never knows, it could still happen.

Y'all have a great day now and enjoy the last (or first) of the transition into changing weather patterns.