Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Work for Nothing

Trying to save Tim. What is the matter with me? I feel as if I need to 'save' the 'life' of every unhappy thing I try to grow. Tim was supposed to grow to a foot tall. He got to be a rangy 3' tall and had to be moved. I re-potted it after it twisted and fell over, then DH put it on the porch, where it got heat exhaustion and half the leaves shriveled. So much work and it is probably going to die anyway. Ugh! When will I learn? My good at gardening days are over. I must say - I don't believe the seeds were true Tiny Tim. Ruth says the one I gave her doesn't look like it either. $8 for a few seeds was too much for bad seeds!


  1. Awe. Sorry for your Tim... Maybe he will be revived and grow to be that foot tall. Maybe.

  2. Not sure on what's going on with Tim, I can relate to trying to save him though.

    1. I'm thinking they sold me the wrong seed or mistakenly hybrid them. Pricey for those 20-25 seeds!

  3. Poor Tim. I'm guessing he's tall and rangy because he's pot bound. But he's alive and wants to live so that's a good enough reason to keep on babying him. True gardeners don't give up easily and you are one.

    1. Tim was in the big planter in my room, he had lots of 'room.' So, ???

    2. Tall because he was reaching for the sun? Like plants in shade get too leggy, because they need sun. Sun through a window isn't quite the same.

    3. Tim was in the grow light, in the window. I don't believe grow lights make them leggy or they would be getting a bad rep. :/

  4. Mac has a nursery for sick plants and usually brings them back to life, me, I just kill them.

    1. There is such a good feeling when a person can 'resuscitate' a sorry plant. I like that feeling.

  5. Poor you! -gentle smile- Taking it on yourself, that this plant didn't grow and prosper.

    You sound like my husband. He is still feeling 'guilty' that the ding-dang flowering bushes he planted in front, do not blossom. they did beautifully, the first year. some, the next. then nothing. for years and years.

    he has done every thing for them, which he has searched and found and read. still nothing.

    I say, drop it. it is not his fault. the ding-dang plants were defective in some way. drop it.
    we just had this conversation, this morning. and here I see you bemoaning your plant, here!!!!

    the 2 of you!!! stop it!!!!!! life is too short to worry about such things! :-)))

    Annnnndddd... YOU can say the SAME thing, to me!!!! When I sputter-and-fuss about silly things!!!!!! LOL we all do it. we all need someone to tell us, to snap out of it.

    Lots and lots of gentle hugs,
    Luna Crone

  6. Maybe it's Tiny Tim's evil cousin:)
    Hope it comes through after all the TLC. Is it possible it's not a tomato plant at all? I have no idea, just wondering.

    1. Yes, it is a tomato, as there are tomatoes growing on it and it smells like a tomato. Could be evil cousin as you say. ,-)

  7. So far my tomato plants look healthy...I am very excited. Tim looks to me like he still has a chance.

    1. Yay for you! How many did you put in this year? Keep an eye out for those horn worms!
      I keep my eyes open for those butterflies, myself!

  8. I have given up on plants. Here you have to protect them from ground squirrels and gophers and I just can't cope with all that alone. Even my house plants have bitten the dust. I only have one right now. I may get some more though. Sorry about your Tim.

    1. It seems harder to make the plants thrive since I got older. Luckily no squirrel or gopher problem here. I especially like living plants in the house in winter. :-)

  9. Gardening is a lot of work and when we are not 100% it's hard work as well
    Try to not take it to heart. Think of it this way. It gave you a focus for a while and took your mind off other things. Now that's got to be worth $8.00 anyway xxxx

    1. Yes, I suppose. I would like my plants to look as good as the pictures, probably expecting too much. :-)

  10. I am sorry for Tim, but also sorry for myself. I have been making nectar for weeks. Every four days I take down the hummingbird feeders, dump the old nectar, clean the feeders and fill with new nectar. Not one hummingbird so far this year. Why are they snubbing me?

    1. No takers? Maybe have to move them closer to some flowers? The wasps like that sugar too, are they chasing the hummers away? I have a couple hummingbirds that haunt my hibiscus. My feeder didn't work out too well because of the wasps. I hope you can find a solution.

  11. I'm about to give up on my tomato plant too and I had such big dreams of big juicy tomatoes on a sandwich.

    1. After DH had that luscious first ripe tomato, I have a real craving for them myself!

  12. I never had any luck growing tomatoes, that's why I buy mine at the shop. I do like to see things grow, though, you can't buy that in food stores.

    1. You are right, watching things grow is an experience that money can't buy! :-)

  13. Tim got to be three feet tall? Huh. Maybe it would help if you lopped him in half so there isn't so much energy going into leaf and stem production, you might get flowers and fruit.
    $8 is a lot for any kinds of seeds.

    1. That's the reason I think not true seed. They are supposed to be determinate. :/

  14. I've never had much luck with growing tomato plants in pots...better luck if they are planted in the ground.

    1. No real garden area here - just the flower bed and that's full ...

  15. Maybe Tim is special...Every see a family who let say are all around the same size and looks basic have the same feature. Then there one who looks like no one in the family...Maybe Tim is one of these.
    Coffee is on

  16. I left a comment to answer your question about Samson's coat on my blog.

  17. He has a name. Of course you have to try and save him. And he has tomatoes!

    1. Yes he does, and blossoms that haven't fallen off! :-)

  18. Oh Poor Baby!!! I had to bring my spearmint potted plant out of the garden, it started to look yellow and leaves dying. Maybe to much sun, not sure. But I was sitting in my glider and all of a sudden it hit me.....where is that smell of gum coming from....haha, my plant! I hope Tom makes it back to good health.

    1. That's odd, I am going to have to throw most of my mint outside, it has most of the big planter root bound and looks like a 1'x3' tangled jungle. It was planted in there the end of March. Maybe your pot is not large enough?
      Oh, this tomato is called Tim, the one that grew toward the ceiling was named Tom. LOL.

  19. I kill everything I try to grow--I don't even try anymore!

    1. Ahha. I read this and thought you had to have some talent. Yep, you do! Not everyone has the same skill sets, I admire yours! I couldn't write a children's book, if my life depended on it. Good going!


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