Sunday, November 10, 2013

Ladybug Football

As you know, I am deep in the trenches of NaNoWriMo. I started out cold on day #1, watching the curser pulse on the blank page for at least 10 minutes, before a crumb of an idea hit me. I have been plugging along, ever since.

My story is about a woman, an army widow of nearly twenty years, dealing with her spoiled wayward daughter. Oh, there is a whole lot more happening... You know how I write. It's coming right along, although, my characters seem to have minds of their own and are trying to race me to the end. Hopefully, I will make the halfway mark tomorrow.

Sometimes, I try to think of the right word and I get distracted. I clip my nails or play ladybug football with the bugs that fall on the keyboard. Naturally, I am thinking all the time, thinking about the dang bugs, what I'm going to eat for lunch, and I actually think about my story. It's all about the process. I am watching my favorite tree in the back yard, as the leaves are turning yellow then brown, and then spiral down in the wind. It will be bare before my story ends. It is a bit sad watching it go to sleep for the winter, but I enjoy the yawns as it becomes drowsy.

I think about you guys, every day, read your blogs when I can, and hope for the best. Take care, Y'all, I'll see you on the other side! (Of NaNo, that is)


  1. Your story sounds interesting. Ladybug football?

    1. Ladybug football - trying to snap them through some goal, I am getting quite good, there are so many to practice with. :)

  2. i am glad you have found your characters and your plot. and i know you enjoy putting it all down in print. poor ladybugs... :)

  3. I can sense you are deep into characters, plots, places etc.What a good way Sharon to empty things out! Good on you!

  4. Sounds wonderful. I would love to reqd it when you publish. Good luck and keep pounding those keys

  5. Sounds like you're making good progress! Very impressive.

  6. As long as you are having fun... we can wait. xo

  7. I can't wait to read your finished story! I love the synopsis. And yes... I know how you write... I am so glad you have become a published author -- I am one of your biggest fans ;-) Happy writing!

  8. I admire your gift of 'sticking to it'. I get 10 pages in and give up. I cant wait to read your finished story.

  9. Nice to see your still at it. It is so nice to catch up with you again never give up.


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