Sunday, February 2, 2014

'Tain't a fit night out for man nor beast...

The weather has been like this all day. If we have a groundhog, you can be sure he stayed in his den, out of the rain!
House hunting has me feeling a bit like I was mugged in an alley. I decided to read and rest up a bit. I imagine everyone is getting geared up for the Super Bowl... enjoy the game!


  1. we had rain here this a.m. too (which we need). projected to turn to snow later if it keeps up.

    haven't turned on the tv yet. not sure i will. :)

    1. Snow, ick, I hope it doesn't get that cold. My TV is not on either. :-)

  2. Overcast here and snow is expected tonight/tomorrow morning. But we're not watching the Superbowl here, I love the reruns of Law & Order! :-)!! Take care of yourself!!

  3. After two pretty days it's very cold here tonight. No football for me, just word games on the computer.

  4. Rain is good, means the temps are going up right? Staying in and resting sounds like the best idea

    1. Temp was up, it was a cold rain and temp dropped by bits, all day long. Yah, I like resting. ;-)

  5. Good for the crops, I say!! Better than snow!
    Super bowl was a bust I hear.

  6. The best part of the SuperBowl was the Bud commercial. Of course, that is my opinion for what it's worth. You have such a way with words... 'mugged in an alley' eeek. lol
    It's somewhat fun though, right? House hunting? Spring will bring new places on the market, more than likely. More fun. We have snow here today... and have closed the office... and no court for me YAY! Glad I don't have to go anywhere. Stay inside and stay warm!

  7. I really don't ever plan on house hunting again. I don't envy that task. Hope your weather improves.


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