Saturday, April 30, 2016

I See Dead People ...

I have been going through the few photographs I have, in an attempt to make a family representation for those coming behind me. I have 23 actual photographs, thanks to my cousins Janet and Suzie. Many of the pictures I have are shots of photographs that I took on a trip to Minnesota about 7, maybe 8 years ago. I took the shots in a hurry, as there were so many of them and so little time to do it. In my hurry, they didn't all turn out as well as I hoped. The photographs were at another cousin's home.

I've tried to take pictures of the actual, physical photographs that I have. (Like the one of my mom and dad in the lower left hand of the collage.) About the only way I can get a better shot (if at all) is to buy a copy stand for my camera. After pricing them, I have decided a slightly imperfect copy will have to do. After all, the shots that I took of my cousin's aren't all that bad.

While putting the collage together, I realized that in the upper left picture, only 5 of the youngsters are still alive - I guess. On the right hand side, in the middle, I believe the youngest of the little boys are still around - I would hope, but maybe not. As a child, I knew most of these people. My children really don't have a clue who they are. Oh, I'm sure they can point out a few, but they never really met very many, and my youngest none at all.

Am I wasting my time trying to save these for them? 


  1. I don't think you are wasting your time, I sent my daughter a box of old pictures last year that go back as far as fifty years, some of them pictures of her and her mother and she was happy to get them.

    1. Oddly enough, I do cherish the photos of my mother and I. We were not close - ever.

  2. Not at all. Many people do not develop an interest in family history until around 50. I suppose it's around that time we begin to recognize we are mortals. I have scanned many family photos, and exchanged family information with other family members. I put about 300 photos on Facebook of my husband's family. I've moved on from a strong interest in family history. My children have heard me talk it for years. I have only one grandchild, a 14 year old boy. Who knows if he'll ever have an interest or not. I have no family anymore. I was an only child and all my cousins are deceased. It's just me by myself and my 2 kids and 1 grandchild. In 2009 I organized a hugely successful event in Texas at the family cemetery where we dedicated two gravestones to two grandmothers who were buried about the turn of the century but never had a gravestone. Everyone else in the family had stones. Family came from 10 states for that event. Amazing that in 7 years we've had that many family deaths.

    1. Years ago, we had a very large family. Now, all of MY aunts, uncles, and most of my cousins are gone. Today, I do not know the new generation - I'm sure there are a great number of them I have never met.

  3. I do not believe you are wasting your time. I am kooky, and love all history from even my loony tune side of the family. Folks so collect old photographs. Yours are definitely works of art. I have missed you, ma'am. HUGS, Mal

    1. My goodness, has been ages! I have come to the conclusion that EVERY family is made up of a bunch of kooks, lol.

  4. aren't wasting your time. I have been scanning piles of family photos and working on Ancestry. Most of my family is very interested. When they get older, I hope they will be glad to have the photos and the information. Lou made me a sign to put over my desk "I Seek Dead People"

    1. Last year I tried doing the Ancestry thing - it was a mess, remember? Three sisters and three brothers marrying - well, it was very frustrating. That sign Lou made for you just might be a seller!

  5. Family history is so important. My mom started doing her genealogy when she was 25 and continued on up into her 70's, and even into her 80's with dementia she could still name some of her ancestors. Her family is truly the roots of America, starting waaaay back into England and Scotland, then the Mayflower, and Presidents, etc., etc. My dad's family is a mystery. Few family photos and none of his mom. It breaks my heart that I don't know what my grandma looks/looked like but nobody on the planet apparently has a photo of her and my grandpa burned everything that had anything to do with her - including photos - when she died because he was so heart broken.. Bleh. Frustrates me just writing about it. Keep up with those photos. Even if the family doesn't know it at this momment, one day all of those photos and the history of those wonderful people will be important to them.

    1. I have very few pictures as my ex took most of them and claimed they had been ruined. My sister took the family photos for 'safe keeping' and died with them in her possession - her son has them and is not sharing. I can't see a whole lot more coming my way.

  6. My husband has pictures that go back several generations and we have tons of pictures of our immediate family BUT, I have really only 3 or 4 pictures of my childhood. I find that very sad as far as my children knowing what I might of looked like in my childhood. I am glad you have some photographic history to share.

    1. My husband has even less photographs than I do. You are fortunate.

  7. If they are like me, you are not wasting your time. I love old family photos.

    1. I like the ones that I have too. You have some very interesting photos!

  8. No your not wasting your time...My mom tried to tell me of people in photos and now I wish I paid more attention.
    I do write on back of them...Coffee is on

    1. The photos I have - came into my hands within the past decade. If I didn't know them on sight, my cousin helped me with who was who. We had several who we had no name for.


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