Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Still here

"It's getting low, Lady!" 
The bird feeder was busy yesterday, standing room only, haha. They emptied the feeder before the wet came in. The birds seem to notice me in the window. Most fly off, but my "steadies" just look at me. Maybe they are messaging me with their minds, haha.

It's been a day. I ended up watching more Fringe and tried to chill. My BP has been running higher than my normal too high. It was a dark, rainy, cruddy day.

Our phone plan now includes unlimited calls and streaming. Yes, there's a catch - it's nice speed to 10MB and then they slow  it down. I did watch Sunday's Victoria, last night and it was fine. I just hope this is all worth it.

I was able to answer my phone twice today. Two out of five - not great, but ... better.


  1. Got my book today! Yay! I just have to finish another short story before I begin. Are these stories fiction or non fiction?

    1. Yay for you! Sailor and Back to the Land are non-fiction, the rest are pure imagination. Enjoy! Let me know what you think. :-)

  2. I have lots of birds too and I do enjoy them. Also have very high blood pressure and don't enjoy that.

    1. High blood pressure isn't a good thing. Sometimes it's hard to avoid that stress!

  3. I to been watch Victoria but at this point I like Downton Abby better.
    Coffee is on

    1. There's only one more installment of Victoria for this season. I haven't heard how far they are going to go with it.

  4. Wow. You have a booming business. Too bad the clientele don't pay lol
    Hope you feel better once the weather warms up for you

    1. I believe I would be lost without my birds to watch. You are lucky to have yours!

  5. I bird-watch all the time and love it. I like the style of your feeder. Not sure about my blood pressure but I feel okay!

    1. The larger birds have a hard time with it, think it was actually made for the smaller type, but the Cardinals and Red-winged Blackbirds do try to hang on.

  6. Your bird is telling you it's color-coordinated with your feeder!

  7. I'd like to sit and watch birds at feeders, but around here the birds are all big and fend for themselves, plus I think any feeder would be permanently surrounded by waiting cats.
    I've never had high blood pressure, always right on normal, even when pregnant.

    1. Tacky did try to catch lunch a few times when she was younger. She understands that I'm watching now and leaves those at the feeder alone.

  8. I love watching the birds too. So far in the city I've seen a lot of robins, black birds and mourning doves. The mourning doves drive me bonkers some days. - Your blood pressure may be the cause of your incident the other day, spikes or drops in BP can trigger those. Be well my friend. - I've been away and I'm catching up. Can you tell? :)

    1. My high BP has something to do with my atherosclerosis. I was doing well until a few years ago. Yes, tension makes it spike.

  9. The birds seem to like your choice of seed. Cute picture. Maybe the regulars are trying to message you a "Thanks!"

    Sounds like you are making progress on the new phone.

  10. "Fringe" Yes, we were hooked on that!

    But... Being familiar with it, are you sure it is the best kind of show, to watch, when wanting to lower your BP???????

    Mmmmmmm, how about some old 50's musicals, instead????? :-)

    Just sayin'......

    Gentle hugs,
    Luna Crone

    1. Musicals? Me? Now that would raise my BP.
      Finished Fringe tonight, loved it!


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