I was up and awake a couple hours or more before the sunrise. I should have gone back to bed! I love these golden mornings where everything is bathed in glory.
Yesterday I sprayed the lavender with dawn/oil/water. This morning in the good light, I noticed some black moldy stuff on the underside of the leaves and some of them were definitely dying. I whacked it down to the nubbins and made a little cyber note card with the flowers before they got the heave-ho out the window. I have dosed it again - if the plant does not improve, I'll rip the rest of it out and forget it.
This little guy stopped momentarily, only time to take one shot. You can see how much the fig has leafed out in a little over a week.
I thought my flowering plum was dead, but this morning I noticed a few blossoms starting to open. I went through my old pictures and yes, the pink blossoms take longer to come out. I hope it gets really pretty, but if it doesn't snap out of this straggly look though, I guess I will end up with a flowering crab and forget it.
Have a great day, night, whatever!