Monday, May 22, 2017

Get the crutches!

I wasn't going to bother you with pictures of a bleep tomato plant, but ... Tim is leaning toward the window, I guess he needs a crutch. I have done everything I can for the poor thing, it just isn't happy. All I can do is pamper it along so I get tomatoes and seeds to try again later. Ruth says hers is fine, go figure.

And speaking about crutches, it has been nearly 5 years since DH had surgery on his knee. Looks like something has to be done again. I have him home again. He's limping around. Tried to go to work today, walked all the way in and he had forgotten his badge. By the time he walked back to the car, he said to h--- with it and came home. I have a feeling his vacation next week will start today and be a two week vacation. (Or longer ...) Sure wish it was with pay. Sigh.

I'm seriously thinking about taking a break for a while. So, if I don't show up - don't panic.

Have a great week!


  1. Sorry about husband's knee. Was that a knee replacement, he had done? And now, hurts again?

    After you reply to my question... -grin-... I hope you enjoy your blogging holiday. When we need one, we need one. And it's best to take it.

    Gentle hugs,
    Luna Crone

    1. Torn meniscous (not sure of spelling) I believe. He's also done something with his shoulder and had surgery. I keep telling him that he's falling apart. Ha Ha.

  2. Thanks for the heads up not to worry if you take a blogger's break. Don't stay away too long. We need our Tiny Tim updates. Hope your husband gets into the doctor.

  3. Sorry about your DH. You enjoy your break if you take one.

  4. Yesterday we just planted our tomatoes

    1. DH has a green tomato already! His plants are outside.

  5. Oh sorry about DH and sorry about the plant. I was looking at my brothers yesterday, it has blooms all over it and the one he gave me don't have bloom one! HAHA .....but mine is looking great and healthy anyway.

  6. Sorry to hear about the HH.
    Good luck with that tomato plant.
    And you take all the time you need. We'll be here when you get back.

  7. I understand completely about taking a break to deal with medical issues, take care of DH and hopefully his leg will be on the mend soon.

    Looks like your plant wants the sun, turn him around and see if he straightens up trying to reach for the window again.

  8. I think the tomato needs sun that's why he's leaning
    Hubby's knee must really be hurting him. My friend is currently in hospital having an knee replacement
    I hope with a little rest and bandaging his knee comes good again
    See you went you get back xxx

  9. Sorry to hear about your husbands knee. Hope he finds some respite from the pain soon. Enjoy your blogging break.

  10. Tim is leaning towards the window because that's where the warmth of the sun is. If you can turn his pot 180 degrees, you'll find he will lean back the other way to get the sun and warmth. If you decide he needs a support stake get something sturdy that you can push deep into the soil, otherwise he will just pull it out as he leans.
    Seems like DH walked just a few steps too far all at once.

  11. Damn, a torn meniscus at the knee joint is difficult! DH may be best advised to use crutches (if he has access to some) until the MRI results are in. It is too easy to further damage the site with any weight bearing. The more damage, the more difficult to treat. So, encourage crutches if you can until the doctor assesses the damage and makes a game plan.


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