Monday, September 29, 2014

Weekend ends

The rain "they" predicted for the weekend - didn't materialize.

DH worked a week - he wasn't ready - I hate to tell him so, nah, I told him so. Not sure when the next job will turn up, I suggested he hit the gym and get shaped up after sitting in his big recliner for well over three months...

The lawn care guy came to mow the yard - with the cooler nights, I didn't think it needed it - but - I let him have a go at it. Will maybe be one more time for the season.

I can hardly believe it's coming up on the end of September - where is the time going?

Saturday, September 27, 2014


It's not hot, or cold
It's not rainy or parched
No thing is irking
No need to complain
Nothing to celebrate
Nothing to share
This isn't a poem
Just stating the facts
It's Saturday
Have a good one!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Minnie Pearl

You've seen this pic before. I haven't caught a more recent one. (I didn't have the camera on me at the time) Minnie now sports a cast on her right rear leg. I am sorry about this, but I am NOT surprised.

You live in the country, you let your dogs run free - right? Free to get hit or killed on the busy roads. Free to damage or steal other people's property. I'm just bummed when people are not responsible and have such little value of their pets lives. They have lost several to our busy road already.

Well, at least she didn't get killed...yet. Only time before it happens, she is still running the roads... :(

Sunday, September 21, 2014

DH went to an auction...

Somebody made some money, haha. The heart necklace is actually sterling, he bought it with the pin, supposedly sterling too. I am not going to tell him, he was so happy to find something for me. He knew the costume rings were costume, he didn't remember that they make my fingers green and itchy. I'm not telling him that either. The 14K ring is too big, but it's the thought that counts, right? He did really well on the mirror - he knows that I collect that stuff. They sold it as silver plate - it is sterling with a familiar hallmark, I will have to look it up, I just don't remember off hand, and my books are packed from when we were going to move. The mirror is monogrammed, as they usually are a gift for someone special. It will be a nightmare to clean, someone has Bon Ami or something hard dried on it. It will look nice once I clean it up.

All in all, I'd say he did good, and thank heavens he didn't buy any furniture. I hope you had a good day too!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

About time for a letter from home...

I took this picture last week. Autumn is upon us, the few of the softer wooded trees are losing their leaves. The oaks and hickory look dark and when the wind blows, the leaves are beginning to rattle. We don't get a lot of color here, the pretty, natural maple and those with delightful autumn color - have been harvested long ago. Those pretty trees now grow in someone's yard.

We haven't had our first frost yet, hopefully it won't happen for another three weeks to a month. When it hits, the fig tree leaves will curl up and die then fall off. I'll miss watching the birds flying in and doing what birds do in those bush-like trees. Yesterday, I watched Jill watching my bluebirds in the closest fig. I could tell by her stance that she was about to get one. I was banging and yelling, to make her lose interest. She's quite good at catching the birds, she has dog food, she needs to leave my bluebirds alone! I know, it's in her nature, but...

We had rain last night, no need to add water to the fountain. The birds love it as a birdbath. I get a lot of enjoyment out of watching them arguing over their space to take their bath. It will only hold 4 or 5 depending on the bird. It is no longer a fountain, the lawn care guy managed to cut the power cord in half. It was just plugging up from the berry poo, anyway.

DH is having his visit with the Dr. to see if he is released to work. I don't think he's ready. He says his elbow starts to hurt after talking on his i-phone for 10 minutes. Nope, I don't believe he is ready to hold his drill over his head putting in brackets and screws for a 12 hour day. Just saying... He hasn't worked for nearly 4 months though and I'm sure he is anxious to get away from me and the house. (As am I)

I don't know if I will be sorry, but I had my land line shut off. We have been here for 9 years and half (or more) of the time, the land line made so much noise, it was miserable to talk on it. "I can't hear you" was a popular phrase. The reception was like trying to talk next to the fry daddy when I've thrown in some frosty frozen food. I kept my house number, however, and when someone calls, it comes through my cell phone.

The weather is cooling off to an average high of 80F (? 26-27C?) but the humidity continues. Cool mornings now. The average year, we turn the heat on, on October 7. We will have it on at night and then the A/C will have to run in the afternoon. It usually is like that for a month. Last year was a little different - less A/C. I guess we'll see what this year brings.

The hummingbirds have been visiting, looking in the windows. I wonder if they will leave early this year. The hibiscus is done blooming already. Seems summer was shorter this year. Those wondering about the pear tree - it was dying and rotten in the core, the fruit was terrible, drew wasps and hornets, the branches kept falling. I want to park my car there - ruin the side yard rather than my back yard. It cost $125 for the man to cut it down and haul it off, I have no idea if it was a fair price or not. I just didn't want anyone to park near it for fear of falling limbs.

I'm still writing a little. It's getting more difficult for me to gather a thought to make sense. My hands are stiffer, I hope they will be better when it's not so humid. As much as I hate to say it, I want summer out of here!

Hugs to you all!
That Old Lady in Southern Middle Tennessee.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Now you don't see it!

Good-bye to the pear tree.
Photos taken approximately 1 month apart. Autumn is definitely on its way, the leaves are getting old and tired looking, ready to crisp up and fly. It sure does make the yard look different!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Help for Dog Poofs

I don't know if Avon still makes this type of thing. I had it years ago in my second hand jewelry shop. Well, anywho, I don't like the fragrance, but, you see, Jill sleeps on her mattress behind my computer chair and she is infamous for her flatulence. When she is having a rather odoriferous (sp?) night, I put the fragrant pin by my computer fan to kind of mellow the stench. It does help. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Whoopie Moon

Excuses, excuses, what can I say? I tell everyone about the big event and then get so caught up in my WIP that I completely forget it. Well, I did come to my senses a little too late. I did run (not actual 'run') outside with my nice room temperature camera to the unusual cool of a Harvest Moon evening. You know what happened right away. Hmm, not a good idea to breathe too hard toward the lens either. I forgot to have DH hold the cat. As much as I was screaming at him to take her away... nothing. Monday night wrestling was on. NOW - the truth be told, I am not a great photographer, and I do shake too much, and then...
...there is that cat.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Skyless cloud

I thought that since some of you share pictures of your cloudless sky that I would share too.

Remember tonight is the last of the Super Moons for a little while and it's a Harvest Moon to boot!

I wonder if I'll get to see it???