Saturday, February 27, 2016

All's Quiet

The week ahead looks fairly promising.
(I will take this with a grain of salt.)

DH is still working the night shift, I have my own version of "The Walking Dead" going on here. I am so tired of being quiet and keeping the dogs quiet all day so he can sleep. About 3 more weeks of this left. Ugh! Sleep is getting messed up for everyone.

The foliage for my "Naked Ladies" has come up about 6" so far! My first sign of spring has arrived! Yeah! It won't be long and we'll have blossoms coming up all over.

It hasn't been an eventful week - Thank Goodness! Have a good weekend!



  1. Working the night shift affects the whole family. I've only known one person in my life who could work that shift and thrive. My husband worked 3:30-11:30 shift for years but that's better than the night shift.

    1. Don't think either of us would mind 3:30-11:30. DH works 6:00-6:30 - makes it rough!

  2. I always thought it would be hard to have to sleep in the daytime and work at night. I have enough trouble with my sleep pattern. Hope it passes quickly for you.

    1. Me too, we are so messed up! His "day off" is on Thursday night - that is a bit of a problem too.

  3. I hope this means we are going to get cooler weather. We had a heat wave this week.
    Yes night shif wreaks havoc with a household. My father worked it while I was little and being the eldest child. It was my job to keep my younger siblings quiet so he could sleep during school holidays while my mother was working. Not easy to do

    1. Sorry about the heat wave - your weather should start cooling off pretty soon, I would expect.

  4. I've never did a rotating shifts. It cloud here today.


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