Friday, February 19, 2016

One more time

Not much to say today. I finally got one of my plastic money problems squared away and just one more to go next week.

You see, I have had my debit card through my bank for almost ten years and the bank in all its wisdom sent me the newest one - with my 'J.' one it. The places I use that card has me without the 'J.' and they refused it. It's not in their data, so I must be trying to hack the card.

Talking to the people at the bank was like talking to the toilet for their understanding. My big drug company said "Declined." I was quite put out. The ones I talked to said it shouldn't make a difference, tell that to the big drug company ... After DH got on the phone with them again, they finally sent me a new card and number. I am in business again. 

Why, after so long, somebody decided to screw with my name is beyond me. Now, on Monday, I get to talk to the other bank - to have them send me a new pin for their new card. I never used the pin because it was only used online and I, um, forgot it. After trying what I thought the number was, well ... the ATM locked it out.

Yep, gotta love plastic ...

Have a good weekend!


  1. Life can be complicated now days. The pharmacy refused my check recently, no idea why, except it was expensive medicine. Now I go to the bank and get the cash, just more trips. So aggravating.

    1. I would love to be able to get my drugs at a pharmacy ... this mail order stuff is for the birds. My friend, Ruth, says some places won't take a check that used to - methinks big brother is phasing checks out for whatever reason.

  2. Been there done that one. My card did not expire until about October of 2016. The end of 2015 here comes a new card with a chip. Ok, I figure we're into chips now. Only one store that I use has their machinery updated to use the chip. Same old stuff with the rest but the new card canceled my old card and I had to go back and change to the new card with all the places I have drawing on my bank card. Invariably I miss one, my mail order pharmacy. It's all straight now but plastic is a hassle.

    1. Sometimes I think there are teenagers making up the rules for this stuff and they are somewhere laughing their heads off!

    2. I agree with teenagers making up the rules and laughing themselves silly :) The revenge is that someday, if they make it, they'll be OLD and the teenagers of their day will be doing the same thing to them :D :D :D I have a chip card now too and only one store has the equipment to use requires me to stick the card in it and leave it...while I'm unloading my shopping cart. So what keeps someone from grabbing it while my back is turned...I've been told it wouldn't be usable but how does the card know whose using it? Whoops there goes another laughing teenager :D :D :D

    3. Leave it in the machine? What happened to a quick swipe? Yep, those kids must be having a blast!

  3. Under stand they put new chips in the debt card having gotten mine. My husband got his the other day.
    Coffee is on

  4. Modern technology is great when it works. But when it doesn't. It's such a pain in the arse.

  5. It's a perfect example of a love-hate relationship, isn't it?

  6. too many glitches... makes me crazy!!!


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