Sunday, March 12, 2017

The much advertised snow ...

We didn't get much more than this. It was pretty. Of course, it's gone now. Last night, Jack and Jill had fun running around and barking. I'm sure the neighbors liked that, not.

Tacky came flying in as soon as I opened the door. She played a new game with me. "I want out!" and "I've changed my mind." We were at it for over an hour. There is no lock on the doggy door, you see, and as soon as I would get her out, she was back in through the doggy door. When she was in, she meowed at the door and as soon as I had her out - she was in again! It's not a game I want to play in the middle of the night.

 Have a great week, Y'all!


  1. Maybe Tacky didn't like the snow? Levi does that when the snow is deep. He's got to go but doesn't want to brave wading in the snow until he has no choice. I don't blame him.

  2. Animals are like that, contrary.

    I have posted about rugby on my blog since you mentioned not having seen it.

  3. They're calling for a big storm in NJ Tuesday. In March it will be wet and not last long and I usually like the snow, but this week both Mrs.C and I have plans around the time the storm and roads may be at their worst. Oh well.

    1. Can you change your plans? Bad roads and a happy trip, don't seem to go hand in hand.

  4. Upstate NY is getting hit hard with a blast of cold air and more snow to follow over the next couple of days.

    Where is spring? hopefully it will show up soon :-)

    1. I hope it doesn't last too long. Spring will get here when it gets here, I guess.

  5. Our cat sings the out song and never wants to come back in, she has to be hunted down and carried in.

    1. Actually it took me over 3 years to get her to be comfortable inside, haha. Now she appreciates the warm and dry.

  6. Our snow often looks like that too. I had a kitty for 18 years that looked just like Tacky. He was a boy named Sindbad. Faith is like that too, except I don't have a doggie door, so I have to get up and open the door. Two minutes later, she's looking through the glass at the bottom, wanting to come in. One of her names is In-&-Out Burger. Her names are actually: Faith, Faithie Baby, Stinker Bell, Little Shit, and In-&-Out Burger Wiltz.

    1. J and J would happily play that game for hours, but not when it's cold, raining, or snowing. I just love Faith, she is such a sweetie! (Think we all call them names when they have their own minds, haha.)

  7. We were missed last night (Sat) and got ours on Friday night. My dog is so funny, he hates rain and even if the ground is just wet, he hates going out. But in the snow, the wet does not bother him. He actually likes it. Your kitty is just playing around with you I think...haha

    1. Yes, I think Tacky knew what she was doing too, the little dickens!

  8. I've been off line. So I was a littl shocked to see snow. I thought you would be finished with it
    Let's hope the sun starts to shine for you now xx

    1. I know you were happily camping ... I would have liked that.
      Woke up to white on the ground and bright sunshine, snow was gone before noon.

  9. Cats are fun, aren't they! Mine plays that game even though his 'window' is open at all times. Guess he's just lazy.

    1. Maybe they want the human factor. I don't know. Somehow I can see Charlie doing that, haha.

  10. Tacky looks exactly like my daughter's Missy used to. Missy is 17-18 now and thinner with less hair, but still shiny and bright eyed.

  11. That's about the amount we got. Sounds like New York, PA, etc is gearing up for a hit.
    Wonder what was up with Tacky.
    Have a great one.

    1. Maybe just wanted love?
      Glad I'm not in the N.E.!

  12. Why not play in middle of night. Daisy use to get me up to more less give me a report on the cats.
    Coffee is on

    1. Haha, That is funny! Tattling, yes they do that, don't they?

  13. You were "snow" lucky! ,-)))

    Mmmmmm, seems you had better break your kitty, of that habit. Nope, you'd not want to play it, in the middle of the night.

    But, if she can get out through the doggie door, why can't she get back in, the same way?????

  14. Tacky comes in much better than she'll go out. Go figure cats.


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