Wednesday, January 4, 2017

It's like I have a poltergist!

We are still battling the mice. There has been an invasion of the womb. I have named their representative, "Mr. Jingles," although I don't have any plans other than catching that rat! He comes on my desk (which needs a thorough sorting) and slinks through my stuff. Tasting things as he shinnies under the papers, cameras, cords and other odd things I can't throw away, but necessary to keep. He had me up, on and off all night. I haven't slept at all!
 Here you can see him dodging me after looking straight at me! 
DH has gone to work now and I can make noise, so even though I planned to break down some of the packing boxes from Christmas, I am going to clean off my desk. (Someone's suggestion of using Irish Spring soap to ward them off - doesn't faze them. Oh, and peppermint oil? Have to apply every day or every other day and I didn't see any improvement in the population) I have cleaned my live trap and I'll set it right behind my computer with what's left of Jill's fortune cookie he found in the middle of the night. 
 Taken shortly before they left for the airport. I think he's going to miss the dogs as much as they miss him!
Stock picture of the gift from DH. It's a very sturdy planter about 3' long and 1' wide. It went together easily and I'm going to like the shelf underneath to store some of my gardening stuff like Miracle Grow and my moisture tester. I hope to get it up and growing by next week - no promises ... Have a packet of *Tiny Tim* heirloom seeds to stick in it and some basil. It's a great size to fit right in front of the window. I noticed that Amazon has them on sale now, for $31 something. Sure, now that I have mine. Still a bargain, I believe!
I thought this was interesting. Am fairly sure it's light refracting off the beveled glass in the door. It looked all smeary inside. First reaction was, "Oh, bleep, there goes the TV!" Odd that it's the first time ever and the door is open most days it's warm enough. I thought it was pretty - opal looking.
All for now folks, Mr. Jingles is back to bug me again. I have GOT to start killing them off, mushy heart or no, I don't drive anymore and there is no car that I would drive here. Where's a snake when you need one?
Please ignore typos!


  1. Replies
    1. Tacky is a great mouser - outside. She is so uncomfortable in the house that all she wants is to get back outside. Our previous kitty made mice her 'friends' and wouldn't do more than lick them nicely.

  2. Mr Jingles from the Green Mile? ahhhh.... I used to live by a field and we'd get field mice in our house right after they cut hay... a real nuscience (I spelled that wrong, right?) stupid spell check isn't helping me any today.. Anyway. Good luck with Mr. Jingles. I'm surprised they are not scared off by Jack and Jill. Maybe get a cat...

    1. If the dogs spot one, they get out of there, mice are worse than a storm to them, which is odd - Jill used to hunt moles outside with Tacky!

  3. I tried peppermint oil, too. I poured it on cotton balls and put them in their known habitat. They ate the balls. Now I don't know what to do with all this peppermint oil, LOL. Hate the critters.

    1. Hmm, maybe make peppermint patties and dip in chocolate?

    2. Aww, damn. Now I want peppermint patties. I haven't made any since the kids were in school.

  4. I hate mice! I also would suggest a cat. Perhaps you could borrow one.

    1. Borrow a different cat? I don't think it would work that way, besides I am more allergic to having an indoor cat than indoor mice. (So far, anyway)

  5. When we had mice in the shop, I tried the peppermint oil...didn't work. Traps didn't work either. I ended up using d-con. We didn't have just one mouse, there were lots. It did the job quickly. I never thought I would use poison but it got to the point I had no choice.

    1. If we can't do it soon, I will have to resort to poison and I will worry about Tacky. :(

  6. Nope. I don't do mice!
    Stinky noisy things
    Hopefully they move on once the weather gets better

  7. It been a while since we had mice. No fun!!! We found out the best way of getting rid of them...Take there food source and one of those flip traps.
    Coffee is on

    1. Not sure what you mean by flip trap. We have tried several different types. I guess we are their food source ...

  8. Contact your local vet or animal association and see if you can hire a snake, or maybe they can send someone to trap and collect the mice to use as snake food.

    1. I would be afraid of losing somebody's snake or the dogs harming it.
      I had thought about having the house tented and fumigated to get rid of them.

  9. When we lived in the south every time the fields were cut or it got cold outside we had visitors inside. City girl that I am could absolutely not deal with mice. My husband was from Texas. He didn't stress so much. I made him go around every nook and cranny of the house and if he found a spot that looked even remotely like a mouse could get in he was to stick steel wool in it. The steel wool and the live traps with peanut butter did the trick. I don't like the Decon stuff because they can just climb back into the walls and die there. No thanks. Good luck getting rid of them. I think they procreate every 30 days or something, don't they? Ugh.

    1. Yep, mice are very prolific. Now - wouldn't mice food that made them sterile be an idea? Way humane. The old ones would be easier to catch maybe ...

    2. I could lend you my cat... he's an expert in catching mice. I too am getting expert in chasing them off.

      It seems I cannot save your blog address on my sidebar, which means that I have missed out on visiting. My apologies, I have noted the address and kept it in a different place.

    3. I don't understand why you are unable to save my blog address. Hmm.


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